Alicia & Neil
Argentina is 3800 Km from top to bottom, sub-tropic in the north and sub-antatartic in the south. It goes from high Andes in the west to ocean in the east. The result is an increadibly diverse climate as well as flora and fauna and for us in particular, bird diversity. Alicia was born here so we have travelled here several times to visit family. Our latest trip was January 2024 and while visiting family we did a lot of birding and will show some of the images here and where the image was shot. We will put a bird list lower.
The Yungas was our first stop. It is a unique area just east of the Andes and varies from dry forest at lower levels to sub-tropical forest at mid-levels and cloud forest at the highest levels. As such it is the most biodiverse region of Argentina for plants, animals and especially birds. We stayed with Alicia's sister Silvia and husband Carlos at their nature reserve Ecoportal de Piedra (facebook page). They get birders visiting from all over the world and during our stay we collected more than 150 bird Species with them. They have 3 cabins for visitors and they know where to find the birds. This list shows the different birds they have on their reserve. Below are some of the more interesting ones.
Eating berries in the rain.
Very tiny bird that was very hard to photograph.
I onle found in the Yungas region.
When you travel north from Jujuy city you climb very rapidly into the Andes mountains. Eventually you enter the Puna a high altitude plateau that can be 3500 meters or higher. This results again in different resident species. Following are some images we captured in the Puna or during our drive there.
Mendoza is known for its wine production. We were mainly visiting family but did walk through the park and see a few interesting birds.
Our last stop was to visit Alicia's brother in Comodoro Rividavia. While there we rented a car and drove 3 hours south to a small town called Puerto Desiado. This is primarily a fishing town and few tourists go here. However, we had seen tours offered by Los Vikingos and wanted to spend time with the Rockhopper Penguins. We were not disappointed. This company is first rate and a very good value. We got to see everything we wanted to see. I have created a video showing our experience. Penguin Video
Be sure to see the interesting eye rings.
We saw more of these than we did cars on our drive.
You just got to love that crazy hairdo.
This is very similar to the Southern rock hooper but see the lines around the lips. Not usually found here.
Shot from the boat as we left.
Shot from the boat as we left.
Very red beak and legs.
Bird List
Previous visit
As I stated earlier we have visited Argentina previously. These are some of our images from previous visits.
This church dates to the 16th century, again the rock color is spectacular.
You can take it with you, some family moseleums are extensive and expensive.
Other parts of Jujuy are actually sub-tropical with interesting fauna and flora.
Parrots gather at roosting sights at night. The sky is just full of thousands of them.
Smaller cousin of the parrots. Extensive colors.
This actually had transparent wings, it was about 1 inch long.
This cathedral was built in 1577.
Iglesia de la Compania de Jesus built in 1645.