Alicia & Neil


One of the most beautiful Piazzas to be found. The Pallazzo Pubblico is to the right. Be sure to take time to just sit and relax and take it in.

Palazzo Publico and Torre del Mangia inside.

Siena arguably has one of the most beautiful Duomos in Italy, especially the interior.

The detail of the fascade is extensive.

see the stripped marble columns.

Intricately carved marble with lions supporting columns.

Inlaid marble floors are very exquisite.

Attached to the Duomo is the beautiful Baptistery. The sculpted marble baptismal font is the center piece.

Extensive frescoes on the ceiling are beautiful.

We stayed in a 100 year old farm house just outside Siena.

Sunset of the Tuscanny country side from our room.

View from Piazzale Michelango. See the Duomo in the distance.

View from Piazzale Michelango at sunset.

Taken at 5 in the morning before crowds.

View showing bell tower. There are long lines to climb the dome of the Dumo and almost none for the bell tower.

Exquisite marble floors.

Again at 5 in the morning get your pictures. later crowds make it impossible.

Taken from the Bell Tower.


The Piazza del Duomo is commonly called field of miracles. It is famous for it's leaning tower but also has a fine Baptistery, an elegent Cemetary, and a duomo that is evry bit as grand as the duomo's in Siena and Florence.

Directly in front is the Duomo, in front of that the Baptistery, and on the right the Cemetary.

It is an interesting site. Be sure to climb to the top. We also enjoyed lunch in an outside cafe with this background.

Over the alter is a spectacular 13 th century mosaic.

Note the marble lions holding up the marble columns.

13th century marble pulpit found in Baptister.

This picture was taken in the blue hour from the bridge over the Arno River.